Friday, October 7, 2011

Thanksgiving with a Wood Fired Oven

We’re always looking for new ways to make our Thanksgiving meal the best ever, one that our family and friends will remember for years to come.  We try to accomplish this by doing things like using new fancy foreign spices and complicated marinating techniques to bring out the most flavors possible. What we tend to ignore, however, is the way that we cook the more traditional items like turkey, casseroles and pie. Traditional ovens take on this job adequately, but a wood fired oven can add a whole other type of element to a Thanksgiving meal that will have your family singing your praises.

Whole new dimensions and flavors can come out of turkeys that are cooked in wood fired ovens. This is due to the much higher heats you can get from a wood fire compared to gas or electric ovens. Be careful, however, because cooking a bird in a wood fired oven is a bit different than a traditional one if you are going to use high temperatures because the cooking time will be faster . You’ll be amazed at the wonderful and unique flavors you will get out of your turkey. A wood fired oven turkey recipe is coming soon!

Don’t forget desserts as well. The flavor that comes from the smoke of a wood fire oven can perfectly compliment dishes like pumpkin pies and apple cobblers. The natural wood heat adds an element of flavor that you won’t get from traditional cooking methods. The high heat of the wood fired oven can also help you create delicious caramelized crusts on desserts with sugar coatings.

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